It’s not easy but there are two main tips that will help you move from hybrid hell to (a kind) of hybrid heaven.
1: The Camera is a PersonRemember that even if there’s only one person on remote, the camera is a person. Honour that camera as much as you honour anybody else in the real room with you and people will feel more present to you.
2: Put “Virtual” people first.
The “proximity effect” says that we are more connected to people near us. They’re going to feel more distanced because they’re not in the room with you sipping coffee.
You can balance this with the “primacy effect”. Make the virtual participants feel important, turn to them first, let them speak first.
I shared a short video about this earlier in the week which you can watch by clicking on the link below.
Want to stay in hybrid hell or fly to hybrid heaven?️
Have fun trying these out!
They really make a difference.
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